CFII Mark Jaeger has advised that congratulations are in order for Gopher member David Riley.

David successfully passed his instrument checkride today in Cloquet. David worked very hard to achieve this difficult rating. Way to go David.
CFII Mark Jaeger has advised that congratulations are in order for Gopher member David Riley.
David successfully passed his instrument checkride today in Cloquet. David worked very hard to achieve this difficult rating. Way to go David.
CFII Mark Jaeger has advised that congratulations are in order as new Gopher Member Rafael Barbosa passed his airplane instrument checkride (add-on) on Thursday, 12/5, with DPE Jake Fielstra @ KFCM.
Raf is already a Commercial Instrument Rotorcraft pilot and is slowing start to see the light and coming over to the fixed wing side. Way to go Raf.
Today, Gopher Flying Club member Mike Flander slipped the surly bonds of the earth WITHOUT his CFI on board, six times!!! (3 @ KCFE and 3 @ KMIC) Way to go Mike!
New member Kyle Zins recently took up two of his daughters on flights in N8432L. By the size of the smiles, I am confident that they had a good time. Way to go Dad!!
CFI George Felix has advised that congratulations are in order for Gopher Flying Club member Tom Baker. Tom successfully completed his Instrument Rating checkride today @ KANE under the watchful eye of DPE Barb Mack. Way to go Tom. Now you can take off that hood and go flying this summer and actually get to see outside!!!!
Gopher Flying Club and CFI George Felix are proud to announce Club President Jeff Long successfully completed his Practical Exam for Certified Flight Instructor yesterday under Designated Pilot Examiner Brian Addis’s scrutiny.
Congratulations Jeff and we look forward to learning from the knowledge you gained through hard work and commitment to safety.
CFI George Felix has advised that Ed Morales has accomplished his first solo today @ KMIC. Congratulations to Ed on a job well done.
We have a brand new instrument pilot at Gopher. Randy Lasota passed his Instrument Check Ride on 11/14/2018. It was a beautiful day for flying but Randy spent time under the hood instead of looking outside. He had previously proven his skill and knowledge with several training flights in actual instrument conditions and had performed well all the time.
Congratulations Randy – enjoy the added flexibility that comes with the new rating.
Lou Taylor (CFII)
Congratulations are in order for Gopher Flying Club CFI Mark Jaeger who can now add another ‘I’ to his certificates. On 10/13/2018 after many delays due to the recent dreary weather, Mark was able to sneak in his CFII checkride with DPE Barb Mack at Anoka. Well done Mark. Is MEI next???